Book Review on Peter Druckers Managing the Nonprofit Organization

Peter Drucker. Managing the Nonprofit Organization: Principles and Practices. HarperCollins, 1990. (235 pages)

managing the nonprofit

The 'non-profit' institution neither supplies goods or services nor controls. Its 'product' is neither a pair of shoes nor an effective regulation. Its production is a changed human existence. The non-profit institutions are human-change agents. Their 'product' is a cured patient, a child that learns, a swain or woman grown into a cocky-respecting developed; a changed homo life birthday. (fourteen)

"Non profits confront very big and different challenges." (xvi) "The first is to convert donors into contributors. … To make contributors out of donors ways that the American people can see what they want to meet — or should want to see — when each of us looks at himself or herself in the mirror in the morn: someone who equally a denizen takes responsibleness. Someone who as a neighbor cares." (xvii) "And so in that location is the second major challenge for the non-profits: to requite community and common purpose." (xvii)

"The non-profits are the American community. They increasingly requite the private the ability to perform and to attain. Precisely because volunteers exercise non have the satisfaction of a paycheck, they take to become more satisfaction out of their contribution. They have to be managed as unpaid staff. But most not-profits nonetheless have to learn how to do this. And I hope to testify them how — not past preaching, just past giving successful examples." (xviii)

Part I: THE MISSION COMES Starting time: and your function equally a leader

ane – The Commitment

"The get-go job of the leader is to think through and define the mission of the institution." (3) "A mission statement has to be operational, otherwise it's merely proficient intentions. A mission argument has to focus on what the institution really tries to do and so exercise it and then that everybody in the organization can say, This is my contribution to the goal." (iv) "The task of the not-profit manager is to endeavour to convert the organization'south mission statement into specifics." (v) "Merely the goal tin be short-lived, or it might modify drastically because a mission is accomplished. … The mission is forever and may be divinely ordained; the goals are temporary." (5)

"I of our most common mistakes is to make the mission statement into a kind of hero sandwich of good intentions. It has to exist elementary and clear." (5) And, "every bit you add on, you take to abandon." (6)

THE THREE "MUSTS" OF A SUCCESSFUL MISSION. Look at the strength and performance (competence). Look outside at the opportunities, the needs (opportunities). Expect at what we actually believe in (commitment).

ii – Leadership Is a Foul-Weather Job

Fortunately or unfortunately, the one predictable thing in any system is the crisis. That always comes. (ix)

"The about important task of an organization's leader is to anticipate crunch. … That is called innovation, constant renewal." (9) "The lesson for the leaders of non-profits is that one has to abound with success. But one also has to make sure that one doesn't become unable to adjust." (x) "Non-profit organizations need the subject area of organized abandonment…They need to face to disquisitional choices. … The starting bespeak is to recognize that change is not a threat. It's an opportunity." (xi) "The lesson is, Don't wait. Organize yourself for systematic innovation." (12)

"Start, organize yourself to see the opportunity. If you don't wait out the window, you won't encounter information technology. What makes this particularly important is that most of our electric current reporting systems don't reveal opportunities; they written report problems. They report the by. … Side by side, you have the problem of organizing the new. It must be organized separately. Babies don't belong in the living room, they belong in the plant nursery. If you lot put new ideas into operating units…the solving of the daily crisis will e'er take precedence over introducing tomorrow. So, when yous try to develop the new within an existing functioning, you are ever postponing tomorrow. It must be set upwards separately." (13-14)

"Next, you demand an innovative strategy: a way to bring the new to the market place." (14) "Selling has to be built into planning, and that ways involving the operating people. Merely don't forget one affair: everything new requires hard piece of work on the part of true believers–and true believers are not available office fourth dimension." (15)

HOW TO PICK A LEADER. "Starting time, I would look at what the individuals have done, what their strengths are. 2nd, I would await at the institution and ask: What is the one immediate primal challenge? So I would look for–call it grapheme or integrity." (16) "In the non-turn a profit bureau, mediocrity in leadership shows up almost immediately. Ane difference conspicuously is that the non-turn a profit has a number of bottom lines–not simply i…simply in non-profit management you deal with balance, synthesis, a combination of bottom lines for functioning. Certainly the non-profit executive does not have the luxury of dealing with one dominant constituency, either–each of which can say no and none of which can say yes." (17)

Y'all can't be satisfied in not-turn a profit organizations with doing adequately equally a leader. You have to do uncommonly well, because your agency is committed to a cause. You want people equally leaders who take a keen view of the agency's functions, people who take their roles seriously–non themselves seriously. Anybody in that leadership position who thinks he's a great homo or a peachy adult female volition kill himself–and the agency." (17-8)

"The new leader of a non-profit doesn't have much time to establish himself or herself. Maybe a year. To be effective in that short a fourth dimension, the part the leader takes has to fit in terms of the mission of the establishment and its values. … Starting time, the role has to fit y'all–who you are. The part you take too has to fit the task. And, finally, the role has to fit expectations. … You lot take two things to build on: the quality of the people in the organization, and the new demands you brand on them. What those new demands will be can exist determined by analysis, or by perception, or a combination of both." (18)

The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say "I." And that's not because they take trained themselves non to say "I." They don't think "I." They call up "we"; they think "squad." They understand their job to be to brand the team function. There is an identification with the task and with the group. (nineteen)

"As a leader, y'all are visible; incredibly visible. And y'all have expectations to fulfill. … You better realize you are constantly on trial." (19)

"Most organizations need somebody who tin can atomic number 82 regardless of the weather. What matters is that he or she works on the basic competences.

  • At the first such bones competence, I would put the willingness, ability, and self-discipline to listen. Listening is non a skill; it's a discipline. Anybody can do information technology. All you have to practice is keep your oral fissure shut.
  • The 2nd is the willingness to communicate, to make yourself understood. That requires infinite patience.
  • The adjacent is not to alibi yourself. We either practice things to perfection, or nosotros don't do them. We don't do things to go by. Working that way creates pride in the organisation.
  • Last, the willingness to realize how unimportant you are compared to the chore. Leaders demand objectivity, a certain detachment. They subordinate themselves to the task, but don't identify themselves with the task. The task remains both bigger than they are, and dissimilar.

"When effective non-profit leaders have the capacity to maintain their personality and individuality, fifty-fifty though they are totally defended, the task volition go on after them. They also have a homo existence outside the task. Otherwise they practise things for personal aggrandizement, in the belief that this furthers the cause. They become self-centered and vain. And higher up all, they get jealous. … A hallmark of a truly effective leaders, [1] who doesn't feel threatened by strength. … I would not desire any person to give his or her life to an organization. One gives i's very all-time efforts." (20-21)

Most leaders I've seen were neither born nor made. They were self-made.

THE BALANCE Conclusion. "I of the key tasks of the leader is to balance up the long range and the short range, the large moving picture and the pesky niggling details." Don't but see the large picture forgetting the individual who needs help. Neither become the "prisoner of operations." (23) "Another, which I recollect is even harder to handle, is the balance betwixt concentrating resources on one goal and enough diversification. … Variety tin can easily degenerate into splintering." (24) "The even more critical remainder, and the toughest to handle, is between beingness likewise cautious and existence rash. Finally, in that location is timing–and this is always of the essence. … Those are, in philosophical terms, Aristotelian Prudences, …how to notice the right Mean.

"And so, one has to have balance, and again the only advice I tin requite is to make certain you know your degenerative tendency and endeavor to annul it." (25)

THE DON'T'Southward OF LEADERSHIP. "Far likewise many leaders believe that what they practise and why they exercise information technology must exist obvious to everyone in the organization. It never is. Far too many believe that when they denote things, everyone understands. No one does, as a rule. … Effective leaders have to spend a little time on making themselves understood." (25) Don't shoot from the hip. "And the second don't is don't exist agape of strengths in your arrangement. This is the besetting sin of people who run organizations. Of course, able people are ambitious. Just you run far less risk of having able people around who desire to button you out than you adventure by existence served by mediocrity." (26)

"Don't pick your successor alone. …carbon copies are weak. Don't grunter the credit, and don't knock your subordinates. … The near important matter to practice, Keep your eye on the task, not yourself. The task matters, and yous are a retainer." (26-27)

3 – Setting New Goals–Interview with Frances Hesselbein

"Market-driven" simply ways looking for "targets of opportunity." (31)

"You look at the volunteers as your nearly important market just because the number of volunteers you tin bring in determines how many girls you can serve. And y'all brand a determined, continued effort to find the right people. Then you treat them, not as volunteers but every bit unpaid members of the arrangement. You lot decide their job, you set the standard, you provide the training, and you basically set their sights high." (33)

4 – What the Leader Owes–Interview with Max De Pree

"I would have to begin with a personal observation, which is that I believe, outset of all, that each of us is made in the image of God. That we come to life with a tremendous diversity of gifts. I call back from there a leader needs to see himself in a position of indebtedness. … We're basically a volunteer nation. I retrieve this ways that people choose a leader to a groovy extent on the footing of what they believe that leader can contribute to the person'south power to achieve his or her goals in life." (37)

"Y'all develop people, not jobs. … Yeah, and I'm saying likewise that when y'all take the risk of developing people, the odds are very skilful that the organization will get what it needs. … Only y'all are likewise implying that you can but develop what the person has. Not what the person own't got? … That'south correct. Nosotros're talking about building on what people are–not almost changing them." (38)

"Delegate with a sure carelessness so that people have space in which to realize potential, in which to be accountable, in which to accomplish." (39)

"Opportunity is 1 of the most important things nosotros seek today…for cocky-realization, for beingness part of a social body that is attractive and rewarding, for doing work which will assistance me to attain my potential, to exist an integral role of something. We do not develop vital surviving organizations unless nosotros take into account these needs for meaningful piece of work, for a chance at reaching our potential for good social relationships." (41)

"Instead of bemoaning that young people are lazy or self-centered, I think one says: what practise they accept? They have a tremendous desire to contribute. … I think it's better to err on the side of being more than demanding of a person than of being less demanding." (41)

"And be willing to accept a loftier casualty rate? Yep, but organizationally speaking, the casualty isn't always necessarily last. 1 of the things that I feel nosotros need to understand better in arrangement life is the office of grace." (42)

"I believe the all-time way to have mentorship take place is to reward it visibly when it happens rather than to try to structure it." (42)

How to build a team? "Sympathise the taskselect people, a high-gamble process. … On farther element: the way in which yous judge the quality of leadership by what I would call the tone of the body, non the charisma of the leader, not by how much publicity the company gets, or the leader gets, or any of that stuff. How well does the body adjust to change?" (43-4)

"The indebtedness of the leader: that the leader starts out with the realization that he and the organization owe; they owe the customers, the clients, the constituency, whether they are parishioners, or patients, or students. They owe the followers, whether that's faculty, or employees, or volunteers. And what they owe is actually to enable people to realize their potential, to realize their purpose in serving the arrangement." (44)

5 – Summary: The Action Implications

"Mission comes commencement … and must never be forgotten." (45) "Mission is e'er long-range." (46) But next is "practise." "Activeness is always brusk term and results-driven. … Leadership is accountable for results and always asks, Are we really faithful stewards of the talents entrusted to us? Leadership is doing. Information technology isn't just thinking great thoughts. … And the get-go imperative of doing is to revise the mission, to refocus it, and to build and organize, and so carelessness." (47) "Think through priorities [because] if you don't concentrate your institution's resource, you are not going to get results." (48)

This may be the ultimate test of leadership: the power to remember through the priority decision and to make it stick. (48)

"A leader is not a individual person. A leader represents." (48)

"Nosotros are creating tomorrow's lodge of citizens through the non-profit service establishment. And in that society, everybody is a leader, everybody is responsible, everybody acts. Everybody focuses himself or herself. Everybody raises the vision, the competence, and the performance of his or her system. Therefore, mission and leadership are not just things to read about, to listen to. They are things to practice something nearly." (49)

Part TWO: FROM MISSION TO PERFORMANCE: constructive strategies for marketing, innovation, and fund development

ane – Converting Good Intentions into Results

The non-profit institution is not merely delivering a service. Information technology wants the terminate user to exist not a user but a doer. … It attempts to become a part of the recipient rather than but a supplier. (53)

You need four things: a plan, marketing, people, and coin. (53)

"Nobody trusts you if yous offer something for gratuitous. Y'all demand to market fifty-fifty the well-nigh beneficial service. Just the marketing yous practice in the not-profit sector is quite different from selling. It's more a thing of knowing your market place–call it market research–of segmenting your market place, of looking at your service from the recipient'due south bespeak of view. (53-4)

"Although marketing for a non-turn a profit uses many of the same terms and even many of the aforementioned tools as a business concern, it is really quite different considering the non-profit is selling something intangible. Something that you transform into a value for the customer. … That's a concept–an abstraction–and to sell a concept is different from selling a product." (54)

"To run a not-turn a profit effectively, the marketing must exist congenital into the pattern of the service.

  • focus only on those things yous are competent to do (55)
  • don't put your scarce resources where you aren't going to have results. This may be the first dominion for effective marketing (55)
  • know your customers. Aye, I said customers. Practically everybody has more than one customer, if y'all define a customer equally a person who can say no. (55)

You demand a "marketing program with specific objectives and goals…and marketing responsibility, which is to accept one'due south customers seriously. Non saying, We know what'southward good for them. But, What are their values? How do I reach them?" (56)

"Nearly by definition, money is always scarce in a non-turn a profit institution." (56) "The purpose of a strategy for raising money is precisely to enable the not-profit institution to carry out its mission without subordinating that mission to fund-raising. This is why non-profit people have now changed the term they use from 'fund raising' to 'fund development.'" (56)

Fund-raising is going around with a begging bowl, request for money considering the need is so cracking. Fund evolution is creating a constituency which supports the organization considering it deserves it. (56)

Yous take to have a lath that has "the power to inspect the balance between your plan and your resources. The board is the guardian." (57)

"It is increasingly dangerous to depend on emotional appeal lone. … 'Pity fatigue' is when at that place is so much misery in the earth that we become quite hardened and callous to that constant plucking of our heart strings. In fund development you lot appeal to the centre, but you besides have to entreatment to the caput, and try to build a continuing effort. The not-profit manager has to recall through how to define results for an endeavour." (58)

2 – Winning Strategies

There is an old proverb that adept intentions don't move mountains; bulldozers do. In non-profit management, the mission and the programme–if that's all there is–are the good intentions. Strategies are the bulldozers. They catechumen what you desire to practice into achievement. … One prays for miracles but works for results, St. Augustine said. Strategies convert intentions into activeness and busyness into work. Strategies are not something yous hope for; strategies are something you piece of work for. (59)

You need a strategy for marketing, improving, people, coin, and fourth dimension. You lot goals should be loftier enough so that they say: "we've got to stretch" (61)

Set up "qualitative goals. Quantity without quality is the worst thing and will event in a total failure." (62)

"First, the goal must exist conspicuously defined. Then that goal must be converted into specific results, specific targets, each focused on a specific audience, a specific market area. … Next, you volition demand a marketing programme and efforts. How are you really going to reach this specific segment. Next comes communication–lots of it–and preparation. And so logistics (what resources are required). And then feedback and control points. … To carry out the procedure, yous need to use both written and verbal communication." (63-64)

Don't avoid defining your goals because it might be thought "controversial."

"With strategy, 1 e'er makes compromises on implementation. But i does non compromise on goals, does non pussy-foot around them, does not try to serve two masters. Too, Don't endeavor to attain dissimilar market segments with the same message." (66)

Usually, at that place is no lack of ideas in non-profit organizations. What'due south more than often lacking is the willingness and the ability to convert those ideas into effective results. What is needed is an innovative strategy. The successful not-profit organization is organized for the new–organized to perceive opportunities. (66)

One strategy is practically infallible: Refocus and modify the organization when you are successful. 'Let's meliorate it.' If y'all don't improve it, you go downhill pretty fast." (66) "The all-time rule for improvement strategies is to put your efforts into your successes. Improve the areas of success, and change them." (67)

"The responsibility for this rests at the peak, as in everything that has to practice with the spirit of an organization. And so the executives who run innovative organizations must train themselves to look out the window, to expect for change. The funny matter is, it's easier to learn to look out the window than to look inside, and that's also a smart thing to do systematically." (67)

The first requirement for successful innovation is to wait at a alter as a potential opportunity instead of a threat. (68)

"Look into the possibility of developing a niche…if you come out with a specialty, don't try to do everything for everybody." (69)

COMMON MISTAKES: "Ane is to become from idea into full-calibration operation. Don't omit testing the thought. … Also don't become by what 'everybody knows.' The adjacent most common mistake is righteous arrogance. … Another is to patch upward the quondam rather than to become all-out for the new. … Don't assume that there is just the ane right strategy for innovations. Every one requires thinking through afresh." (69-70)

"Let's not start out with what nosotros know. Let'south tart out with what we demand to larn." (71)

iii – Defining the Market–Interview with Philip Kotler

"The most important tasks in marketing have to do with studying the market, segmenting it, targeting the groups you want to service, positioning yourself in the market, and creating a service that meets needs out there. Ad and selling are afterthoughts." (74)

What is marketing exist if it isn't selling? The shortest definition I've heard is that it is finding needs and filling them. I would add that it produces positive value for both parties. The contrast between marketing and selling is whether y'all start with customers, or consumers, or groups you want to serve well–that'due south marketing. If y'all start with a fix of products you take, and desire to push them out into any market you tin can find, that's selling. (74)

"Many organizations are very articulate well-nigh the needs they would like to serve, only they often don't understand these needs from the perspective of the customers. They make assumptions based on their own interpretation of the needs out there." (75)

"…salespeople call back they have such a good product, they don't empathise why people are not rushing to purchase information technology or to utilize it."

How do you get a response from market place research? "I phone call it exchange thinking. What must I give in order to get? How can I add together value to the other party in such a mode that I add value to what I want? Reciprocity and exchange underlie marketing thinking." (76)

"Marketing is now thought of as a procedure of segmenting, targeting, and positioning–I call it STP marketing. That'due south opposed to LGD marketing–tiffin, golf, and dinner. … Positioning raises the question, How do we put ourselves beyond to a market we're interested in? How practise we stand out in some way?" (76-seven)

Churches "should therefore exist a very diverse institution. On the other paw, marketing would suggest that it would be more than successful if information technology divers its target group, whether information technology might be singles, divorced people, gay people, or whatever. The interesting thing most diversity is that about customers don't like to be with people who are not like themselves." (77) This is a problem called market orchestration. How practice you orchestrate very diverse groups and have a successful institution? 1 solution may be "production differentiation." (79)

"I think we volition come across a good bargain of–not niche marketing in the non-profit section but product identification, every bit you would cal it in a business organisation. The marketplace, very largely, will make up one's mind the character of the institution and the graphic symbol of the product." (80)

"Marketing doesn't get anywhere in an arrangement without the head of the organization getting interested in it, understanding information technology, and wishing to disseminate its logic and wisdom to the staff and people connected with the institution." (81)

"Marketing is suppose to build up what I phone call share of heed and share of middle. … more sensation and more loyalty or bonding." (81-2)

  1. Do some customer enquiry.
  2. Develop segmentation and be aware of unlike groups that you're going to be interacting with.
  3. Develop policies, practices, and programs that are targeted to satisfy those groups.
  4. Communicate these programs

"You accept to offset out with knowing what the customers really consider value, what is important, before you communicate, rather than with telling the things y'all believe should be important to the customer." (83) "Marketing becomes very effective when the organization is very clear about what information technology wants to accomplish. … Marketing is a way to harmonize the needs and wants of the outside globe with the purposes and the resources and the objectives of the institution." (84)

four – Building the Donor Constituency–Interview with Dudley Hafner

Acquaint donors with what you are as an organization then they can identify with your goals (86), and present a example for support which spells out the magnitude of the claiming, what we advise to do about information technology, how realistic it is to achieve that challenge, and how your gift can brand a divergence, (87)

Do donors really "requite to themselves?" "We all have our special groups of interest and our challenge is to expand those groups of involvement." (88) "For long-term growth of an system, y'all have to entreatment to the rational in the individual too every bit the emotional part of the private." (90) "The constant emphasis is on the mission." (93)

"Strategy is how we utilise our resource to become the attention of that individual to do what it is we promise he or she will practice." (94) "Information technology's always focused on an individual." (95)

"Fund development is people evolution. You are building a constituency, understanding, and back up. You lot're edifice satisfaction, human satisfaction in the process." (97)

five – Summary: The Action Implications

"Strategy converts a not-profit establishment'south mission and objectives into performance, and all strategy begins with research, research, and more research." (99) "You don't start out with your production but with the cease, which is a satisfied customer. The most important person to research is the private who should exist the customer." (100)

"We have learned that attitude training is not very effective. The way to train people is behaviorally: This is what you do." (101) "Strategy as well demands that the non-profit institution organize itself to abandon what no longer works, what no longer contributes, what no longer serves." (102)

Non-profit people must respect their customers and their donors enough to listen to their values and understand their satisfactions. They do non impose the executive's or the organization'southward own views and egos on those they serve. (103)

PART 3: MANAGING FOR Functioning: how to define it; how to mensurate it

1 – What Is the Bottom Line When At that place Is No "Lesser Line"?

Non-profit institutions tend not to requite priority to functioning and results. Yet operation and results are far more of import–and far more difficult to measure out and control–in the non-profit institution than in a business. (107)

"…he executive who leads finer must beginning answer the question, How is operation for this establishment to exist defined?" (107)

"Information technology is not plenty for non-profits to say : We serve a need. The really good ones create a want.

Two common temptations have to be resisted. Outset: recklessness. It is so easy to say that the cause is everything, and if people don't want to support information technology, too bad for them. Performance means concentrating on available resources where the results are. It does not mean making promises you can't live up to. Simply every bit dangerous is the opposite–to go for the easy results rather than for the results that farther the mission." (108)

"Non-profits always have a multitude of constituencies." [VIA: which is different from having a "variety" of people groups which come with different cultural values and objectives.]

"Start past defining the central modify that the not-profit institution wants to make in gild and in homo beings." (111)

MORAL VS. ECONOMIC CAUSES: "Non-profit institutions mostly find it most impossible to abandon anything. Everything they exercise is 'the Lord'south piece of work' or 'a good crusade.' Simply non-profits have to distinguish between moral causes and economic causes." (111) "Is this the best application of our deficient resources? … We cannot afford to exist righteous and keep this project where we seem to exist unable to achieve the results we've set for ourselves. … There are always so many more moral causes to exist served than we accept resource for that the non-profit institution has a duty–toward its donors, toward its customers, and toward its own staff–to allocate its deficient resource for results rather than to squander them on being righteous." (112)

2 – Don't'southward and Exercise's–The Basic Rules

"Non-profits are prone to become inward-looking…they see the institution as an finish in itself. But that'due south a bureaucracy." (112)

Most people think that feuding and bickering bespeak "personality conflicts." They rarely do. They unremarkably are symptoms of the need to change the system. (114)

For instance, "Your system construction and the reality of your operation aren't congruent anymore. Don't tolerate discourtesy. … There is a law of nature that where moving bodies are in contact with one another, there is friction. And manners are the social lubricating oil that smoothes over friction." (115)

Practiced causes do not excuse bad manners. (115)

Each level of direction is a 'relay'; and each relay in an information chain cuts the bulletin in half and doubles the 'noise.' Simply it also means that individuals in the organization accept to take information responsibleness." (115)

"Trust means that you know what to expect of people. Trust is mutual understanding. Not mutual honey, not fifty-fifty mutual respect. Predictability." (116)

"Delegation further requires that delegators follow upwardly." (117)

"Standards have to exist concrete…and set high. If y'all offset depression, you lot can never go higher. Slow is different than depression." (117) "Standards should be aggressive, yet attainable. … apply star performers to raise the sights, the vision, the expectations. 1 features performers. … If there is no paycheck, achievement is the sole reward." (119)

Strength your people, and peculiarly your executives, to exist on the exterior often plenty to know what the institution exists for. There are no results inside an institution. There are only costs. (120)

3 – The Effective Decision

"Nearly of the other tasks executives practise, other people could do." (121)

"Decisions always involve risk taking. And effective decisions take a lot of fourth dimension and thought … And don't make decisions on trivia." (122-iii)

THE Demand FOR DISSENT: "If you have consensus on an important matter, don't brand the conclusion. Adjourn it so that everybody has a little time to recall. Important decisions are risky. They should be controversial. Acclamation means that nobody has done the homework." (124)

"Instead of arguing what is right, assume that each faction has the correct answer. Only which question is each trying to answer? And then, yous proceeds understanding." (124)

"Any organization needs a nonconformist." (125)

CONFLICT RESOLUTION: "You apply dissent and disagreement to resolve conflict. One fashion, inquire the two people who most vocally oppose each other to sit down and work out a common arroyo. Besides, defuse the argument, 'permit's starting time by finding out what we agree on.'" (127)

FROM DECISION TO Action: "A decision is a commitment to activity. Just far besides many decisions remain pious intentions. There are 4 common causes. 1) we try to 'sell' the decision rather than to 'market' it. 2) we go systemwide immediately. 3) no decision has been made until someone is designated to acquit it out. iv) no one thought through who had to do what.

Every conclusion is a commitment of present resource to the uncertainties of the future. (129)

"Ane weakness of non-profit institutions is that they believe that they accept to be infallible–far more than then than businesses." (129) (The implication is, of class, that this is unreasonable.)

4 – How to Make the Schools Accountable–Interview with Albert Shanker (no notes)

5 – Summary: The Action Implication

Operation is the ultimate exam of whatever establishment. Every non-profit institution exists for the sake of operation in changing people and society. (139)

"In a not-profit arrangement, there is no such bottom line. But at that place is also a temptation to downplay results. There is the temptation to say: Nosotros are serving in a good cause. We are doing the Lord's piece of work. Or we are doing something to make life a little ameliorate for people and that's a effect in itself. That is not enough. If a business wastes its resources on non-results, by and large it loses its own coin. In a non-turn a profit establishment, though, it'due south somebody else's money–the donors' coin. Service organizations are accountable to donors, accountable for putting the money where the results are, and for performance. Then, this is an surface area that needs special emphasis for non-profit executives. Good intentions but pave the way to Hell." (139-140)

"We need to remind ourselves again and over again that the results of a non-profit establishment are always outside the organization, non inside. (140)

"The statement, 'This is what nosotros are here for,' must eventually become the statement, 'This is how nosotros practise it. This is the time span in which we do it. This is who is accountable. This is, in other words, the work for which we are responsible.' " (142)

Function 4: PEOPLE AND RELATIONSHIPS: your staff, your board, your volunteers, your community

1 – People Decisions

People decisions are the ultimate–peradventure the only–control of an organization. (145)

Exist committed to a "diagnostic procedure." (145) "Properly done, the choice procedure starts with an assignment–not merely with a job description just an assignment. Side by side, the executive forces himself or herself to wait at more than i person. … Thirdly, while reviewing candidates, the focus must e'er exist on performance. Don't start with personality. … So 4th, wait at people's specific strengths. What have they shown they tin do in their last iii assignments?" (146)

HOW TO DEVELOP PEOPLE: Don't build on people's weaknesses, build on their strengths. "Don't take a narrow and shortsighted view of the development of people." (147) "Look e'er at performance, not hope." (148) "Make loftier demands. One tin always relax standards, but one tin never heighten them. … Don't hire a person for what they can't do, hire them for what they tin can do." (148)

One of the smashing strengths of a not-profit arrangement is that people don't work for a living, they piece of work for a cause (not everybody, but a expert many). That also creates a tremendous responsibility for the institution, to keep the flame alive, not to permit piece of work to become just a "chore." (150)

Edifice THE TEAM: "To build a successful team, you don't start out with people–you commencement out with the task." (152) "The purpose of a team is to make the strengths of each person constructive, and his or her weaknesses irrelevant." (153)

PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS ON THE JOB: Brand sure "the person understands conspicuously what he or she is going to do and doesn't ride off in all directions." (153)

THE TOUGH DECISION: "the conflict non-profit executives often face up betwixt the need to ensure competence and the need for compassion." (154)

THE SUCCESSION DECISION: "The virtually critical people decision, and the i that is hardest to undo, is the succession to the peak. … every such decision is actually a take a chance. The simply test of functioning in the top position is performance in the acme position. … You don't desire a carbon copy. … Be a little leery of the true-blue assistant who has never made a conclusion alone. … Stay away too, from the anointed crown prince. … Friction match the need confronting proven operation. In the cease, what decides whether a non-profit institution succeeds or fails is its power to attract and to concur committed people." (154-five)

"Are we attracting the correct people? Are we holding them? Are we developing them? … In other words, are we building for tomorrow in our people decisions, or are we settling for the convenient and the easy today?" (155)

2 – The Key Relationships

"the typical non-profit has and so many more relationships that are vitally important. … To be effective, a non-profit needs a strong board. " It'southward the guardian of the mission, and ensures that the organization has competent management–and the right management." (157)

Membership on this board is not power, it is responsibility. (158)

"Best to limit membership to two terms of, say, three years each." (159)

The true examination of a human relationship is non that it tin can solve problems just that information technology can function despite issues. (159)

three – From Volunteers to Unpaid Staff–Interview with Male parent Leo Bartel

"If people are properly motivated, developing competence becomes part of their very need. … Rather than lack of competence, the thing you have to worry nigh is lack of self-confidence." (164)

How do we "inspire" and how practise we "organize?" "If you don't get the top inspired, you accept lost everybody." (166)

"I endeavour more than anything to go on primal my confidence of the nobility of each person." (168)

"If they fail, I've failed. And their success is my success. … At that place is no greater achievement than to assist a few people go the right things done. That's possibly the only satisfactory definition of being a leader." (169)

4 – The Effective Board–Interview with Dr. David Hubbard

"A lath owns an organization non for its own sake–as a lath–but for the sake of the mission which that organization is to perform. We have chosen to have a tougher line–to evaluate performance when a board member's term is up." (171-two)

"Board members are governors, sponsors, ambassadors and consultants." (173) Have your boards on study tours.

CEO'southward take 2 master areas of service. "Care for the vice-presidents, and intendance for the trustees." (174)

"A field of study belongs at the board level precisely considering a subject is controversial–and the sooner the meliorate." (175)

5 – Summary: The Activeness Implications

In no area are the differences greater between businesses and non-profit institutions than in managing people and relationships. (181)

"Even paid staff in these organizations need achievement, the satisfaction of service, or they become alienated and even hostile. Later all, what's the point of working in a non-profit institution if i doesn't brand a clear contribution?" (181)

"People require clear assignments…and they demand/[deserve] to know what the institution expects of them. But the responsibility for developing the work plan, the job description, and the consignment should always be on the people who practise the work." (182) "What should this institution concord me accountable for? … Make sure to heed–just also make sure to take action on what y'all hear and larn." (184)

"The non-profit must be information-based…information technology has to be a learning organization, and compassionate." (182-3)

"If a person doesn't endeavour at all, encourage him or her as before long as possible to go work for the competition." (183)

"A recurring problem…are the people who volunteer because they are profoundly lonely." (183)

The effective non-profit executive finally takes responsibleness for making it easy for people to do their piece of work, easy to have results, piece of cake to enjoy their work. It's non enough for them, or for you, that they serve a good cause. The executive'south job is to make sure that they get results. (185)

Role FIVE: DEVELOPING YOURSELF: as a person, as an executive, as a leader

i – Y'all Are Responsible

"The showtime priority for the non-profit executive'southward own development is to strive for excellence. That brings satisfaction and cocky-respect.

Workmanship counts, non only because information technology makes such a difference in the quality of the task done but because information technology makes such a divergence in the person doing the job. Without craftsmanship, in that location is neither a good job, nor self-respect, nor personal growth. (189)

"Cocky-development is very securely meshed in with the mission of the organization, with the delivery and belief that the work washed in this church building or this school matters. … Paying serious attention to cocky-evolution–your ain and that of everyone in the organization–is non a luxury for non-turn a profit executives." (189)

"Yous want constructive discontent. … The key to building an organisation with such a spirit is organizing the work so everyone feels essential to a goal they believe in." (190)

TO Make A DIFFERENCE: "You can just make yourself effective–non anyone else. … Creating a record of functioning is the only thing that will encourage people to trust you and support you." (191)

For good performance, we requite a raise. Only nosotros promote only those people who go out behind a bigger job than the i they initially took on. (193)

2 – What Do You lot Want to Be Remembered For?

"When immature people come out of schoolhouse, they know very little about themselves. … The start task is a lottery." (195)

"We all tend to accept temperament and personality for granted. But it'south very important to take them seriously and to sympathise them clearly considering they're not as well subject to modify past grooming." (195)

The correct decision is to quit if you lot are in the incorrect place, if it is basically decadent, or if your performance is not being recognized. Promotion itself is not the of import affair. What is important is to exist eligible, to exist equally considered. If you are not in such a situation, you volition all likewise before long begin to accept a 2nd-rate opinion of yourself. (196)

"A slap-up many volunteers, for instance, move on to another organization after x or twelve years of working for one non-profit. The usual need they feel is to change the routine. An unexpressed need may be that they no longer are learning. When y'all stop learning in a job, you begin to shrink." (196)

"Exhaustion," much of the fourth dimension, is a cop-out for being bored. (197)

"Nearly work is doing the same thing over again and over again. The excitement is non the job–it is the result. Nose to the grindstone, eyes on the hills. If you allow a job to bore you, you have stopped working for results." (197)

"To build learning into your piece of work, and keep it there, build in organized feedback from results to expectations." (197)

"It's up to you to manage your job and your career. To sympathize where you best belong. To make high demands on yourself by way of contribution to the work of the organization itself. To practise what I phone call preventive hygiene so as not to let yourself to become bored. To build in challenges. (198)

Do THE Correct THINGS WELL: "Near of us who work in organizations work at a surprisingly low yield of effectiveness. … Effectiveness is more a matter of habits of beliefs and a few simple rules. But the human being race is not besides good at it yet considering organizations are pretty contempo inventions. … In solo work, the chore organizes the performer; in an organization, the performer organizes the job." (198)

"Your job is to make effective what you have–not what you don't have. … At that place is some correlation between what you and I like to do and what we practise well. There is a strong correlation between what we hate to practise and what we practise poorly." (198-9)

"Strengths are not skills, they are capacities." (199)

Too many retrieve they are wonderful with people because they talk well. They don't realize that being wonderful with people ways listening well. (199)

SELF-RENEWAL: "Expect the job to provide stimulus just if you work on your own cocky-renewal, only if you create the excitement, the challenge, the transformation that makes an old job enriching over and over once more." (200) The three most common forcing tools for sustaining the process of cocky-renewal are teaching, going exterior the organization, and serving down in the ranks.

3 – Non-Profits: The Second Career–Interview with Robert Buford

Yous can cull the game you're in just not the rules of the game. (204)

"If yous are skill-focused rather than task-focused, you miss a turn, so to speak. … Showtime on the outside. What is the purpose? Who is the principal?" (206)

"It's and then important for people who work in an organization to have an outside interest, to encounter people and non just go totally captivated in their own small earth. And all worlds are pocket-sized worlds." (207)

4 – The Woman Executive in the Non-Turn a profit Institution–Interview with Roxanne Spitzer-Lehmann

Any advice I'd give to an executive would probably not be limited to gender. I recall that women probably have to do it a little amend, and a little harder. But in fact, the greatest attribute a adult female tin have going in whatsoever organization, is to play as a squad fellow member. (211)

"I retrieve people skills are very much based upon communicating a common goal." (214)

"One is, of class, self-driven, not always just by mission simply by a need to accomplish." (215)

"I think the all-time self-development is developing others. … My role is not to give the answers. My function is to facilitate their brainstorming and thinking." (217)

5 – Summary: The Action Implications

"Development ways two things: developing the person, and developing the skill, competence, and ability to contribute." (222)

"Developing yourself begins by serving. Leaders are not born, nor are they made–they are cocky-made. … To do this, a person needs focus." (222)

"Developing your strengths does non mean ignoring your weaknesses. On the contrary, one is always conscious of them. Simply one tin can simply overcome weakness past developing strengths." (223)

Achievement comes course matching need and opportunity on the outside with competence and strength on the inside. (223)

"Constructive self-development must go along forth ii parallel streams. One is improvement–to do better what you already practice reasonably well. The 2d is change–to do something different. Both are essential." (223)

Change when you lot are successful–non when you're in problem. (223)

"The means for self-development are non obscure. Many achievers have discovered that pedagogy is one of the nearly successful tools. The instructor normally learns far more than the pupil." (224)

"Self-evolution is neither a philosophy nor practiced intentions. Cocky-renewal is not a warm glow. Both are activeness. Y'all become a bigger person, yep; but, most of all, you become a more effective and committed person. So, I conclude by asking you to ask yourself, what will you do tomorrow as a consequence of reading this book? And what will you cease doing?

— VIA—

In improver to taking these notes, posting them for the world, and start grooming and development at my ain arrangement (a church), I am going to finish doing some very key tasks of my department, and begin developing people to do those tasks. I've been feeling for a while that this was going to exist the side by side season of my vocation, and finishing this volume seems to be confirmation of that direction.

As you can tell from my notes above, there was inappreciably a page from which I didn't glean some insight, phraseology, perspective, or principle that wasn't helpful or eye-opening. So, needless to say, loftier recommendation, for anyone in the non-profit sector.


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